So after discovering Sunday that I had absolutely no clean clothes, I decided to declare the day "laundry day" and I set out to do a massive amount of laundry. Things were going great, I was cleaning up the house after my cookout on Saturday and I felt like I was actually getting things accomplished.
After about the fourth load of laundry, my ancient washer decided it had worked just a little too hard that day. I already have trouble with it spinning out, but this time it just didn't want to fill up with water anymore.
I stared at it for a moment and decided not to let it give up that easy. I unplugged it, I turned the dial over and over until my wrist hurt and at one point I was even on top of the washer pushing all the buttons. I was trying any little thing I could think of.
I even gave the machine a little "technical tap." Frustrated, I stomped up the stairs and a voice yelled out at me from the garage.
My neighbor Carolyn is a really very nice lady who has the most beautiful house I've ever seen. She is an amazing cook, has the greenest thumb and has decided to take her young neighbor under her wing.
I explained to her my laundry debacle, and she stomped down my basement steps and decided to try her luck at the evil machine.
After a few different tries at the nob with no avail, she looks and me and said "I'm going to lay my hands on it and pray."
Within seconds she pressed the button and TADA! The washer worked.
I've never seen anything like it. Not only did it work, the thing spun out without me forcing it. I guess Sunday I learned first hand the power of prayer.