Have you ever noticed when you think things couldn't possibly get any worse than they are, life proves you wrong?
Without getting into too many details, we had a pretty ubrupt family tragedy on Saturday, where we lost two great people in our family. Chris's aunt Lynda and uncle Joel passed away in a car accident.
Sunday morning we woke up feeling a weight hanging over us from the news and in the middle of the night our little Spud was restless.
I was just laying there, thinking about it all when I heard the sound of a sick dog outside our bedroom door. I ran to his rescue, cleaned it up and noticed something still smelled...well, wrong.
Creeping down the hallway, the smell got worse as I entered the livingroom, and as I turned the corner I saw it. Our area rug looked like a war zone. Little mounds everywhere! I ran to get my cleaner and as I ran back into the room SQUISH. I found one I hadn't seen....with my foot.
At that moment I thought, wow, what bad timing for this, but it was still a little funny. You can't help but laugh sometimes at situations like this. So I got all that cleaned up and Chris and I spent the morning doing laundry and trying not to think about everything that's happened. And I thought, the dreaded thought that you should never, never think when things are going down the pooper..."What else could go wrong?"
After lunch I thought I'd start the dishwasher and smoke began to fill our kitchen and our dishwasher sounded like it was about to attack. Thankfully it actually gave Chris something to think about other than the accident, and after a lot of banging around and muttering under his breath and taking the dishwasher apart twice, he finally got it to work.
After that we tried not to do much, and I never once thought about those awful words again.