A good surprise

>> Tuesday, March 31, 2009

On Saturday, Chris and I did have a good surprise. After spending the day with my parents since Chris had to work, I drove home to our little yellow house and drove right into the garage without ever noticing the new little addition that was put up during the day. After weeks of begging this company to come out to our house, we gave up hope. They told us not to even expect to hear from them until next week. 

Well surprise!

While we were away on Saturday, they stopped in and put up our gutters. Thank you gutter guys! And just in time for the rain!


Never ask if things could get worse

>> Monday, March 30, 2009

Have you ever noticed when you think things couldn't possibly get any worse than they are, life proves you wrong? 

Without getting into too many details, we had a pretty ubrupt family tragedy on Saturday, where we lost two great people in our family. Chris's aunt Lynda and uncle Joel passed away in a car accident.

Sunday morning we woke up feeling a weight hanging over us from the news and in the middle of the night our little Spud was restless. 

I was just laying there, thinking about it all when I heard the sound of a sick dog outside our bedroom door. I ran to his rescue, cleaned it up and noticed something still smelled...well, wrong.

Creeping down the hallway, the smell got worse as I entered the livingroom, and as I turned the corner I saw it. Our area rug looked like a war zone. Little mounds everywhere! I ran to get my cleaner and as I ran back into the room SQUISH. I found one I hadn't seen....with my foot.

At that moment I thought, wow, what bad timing for this, but it was still a little funny. You can't help but laugh sometimes at situations like this. So I got all that cleaned up and Chris and I spent the morning doing laundry and trying not to think about everything that's happened. And I thought, the dreaded thought that you should never, never think when things are going down the pooper..."What else could go wrong?"

After lunch I thought I'd start the dishwasher and smoke began to fill our kitchen and our dishwasher sounded like it was about to attack. Thankfully it actually gave Chris something to think about other than the accident, and after a lot of banging around and  muttering under his breath and taking the dishwasher apart twice, he finally got it to work. 

After that we tried not to do much, and I never once thought about those awful words again.



A tearjerker

>> Friday, March 27, 2009

I Loved You From The Start

I loved you from the very start…
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.
Our life together has just begun,
You’re part of me, my little one.

As mother with child, each day I knew
My mind would be filled with thoughts of you.
I’m daydreaming of the things we’ll share,
Like late-night bottles and teddy bears.
Like first steps and skinned knees,
Like bedtime stories and ABC’s.

I’m thinking of things you’ll want to know,
Like how birds fly and flowers grow.
I’ve thought of lessons I’ll need to share,
Like standing tall and playing fair.

When I first see your precious face,
I’ll pray your life be touched with grace.
I’ll thank the angels from above,
And promise you unending love.

Each night I’ll lay you down to sleep,
I’ll gently kiss your head and cheek.
I’ll count your little fingers and toes,
I’ll memorize your eyes and nose.

I will linger at your nursery door,
Awed each day that I love you more.
Through misty eyes, I’ll dim the light,
And whisper, “I love you” every night.

As mother with child our journey’s begun,
My heart’s yours forever, little one.

I loved you from the very start…
You stole my breath, embraced my heart.


3 months!

>> Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Sorry about the bad quality photo, but I took it from my iMac at work (before everyone got there of course.) It pays to come in early once and a while. 

But there it is! The 3 month belly. 

I'm jumping around for joy today because I'm nearing the end of the first trimester! YAY! Now comes the fun stuff, good bye morning sickness! 

I'm third of the way through to meeting our little bundle of joy!


Happy six months!

>> Friday, March 6, 2009

Here is my hunny, as we drive down to Tennessee on our honeymoon last September. We had two weeks of work off ahead of us and his mom had given us a basket of snacks wrapped in toole to snack on the way. Life was good :)

Fast forward about 6 months and you'll find a guy that married a woman who takes...can I even say it?.... the LAST POPTART.

Yes, this is me. The last poptart eater. As he's shuffling around at about 5:30 in the morning this morning and I'm flipping on the news, I hear him rustling around in the pantry and he lets out a sigh. 

"Did you eat my last poptart?" he asks his pregnant wife.

"ummm...it's possible..." I squeek from the livingroom. 

And that's how it goes. Twice this has happened, and it's shameful. Resulting in him having to eat cereal. The sweet thing is, he never cares. I love that. And when I woke up this morning at 4 a.m. from one of my crazy pregnancy dreams and coincidently woke him up in the process, he didn't complain. 

I love him :-D

Happy 6 months sweetie!


In a heartbeat

>> Wednesday, March 4, 2009

So Friday was my first visit to my doctor, and it was just suppose to be a boring visit. I thought I had it all figured out. Boy was I wrong.

Getting there I realized that once you become pregnant, your modesty gets thrown out the window. Upon realizing this my blood pressure began to shoot through the roof. When checking your blood pressure, if you're wearing a sweater you have to stick your arm out of your sweater for the check. 

"I can't just roll up my sleeve?" I asked to the nurse.

"Oh no, you can't get an accurate reading with your sleeve pushed up!"

Good to know. Next time, I'm wearing a t-shirt.

So the nurse informs me that my blood pressure is a little high, and they make me lay down on my left side for a while. No big deal. 

Then, my incredible young doctor enters. I'm laying there on my side, trying to have a conversation with my doctor and feeling silly not being able to sit up. The nurse checks my blood pressure again, of course I have to stick my arm out of my sweater again and now I feel like there's an audience. Needless to say the blood pressure didn't get any better.

There was a silver lining in this appointment though, the doctor said he wanted to check for the heartbeat!! I had no idea this was coming. He said there was a great chance that they wouldn't be able to find it since I was only 10 weeks, but he did! I was officially their earliest-along patient to be able to hear the heartbeat. It was amazing! It was 170 and strong! I feel like it's all so real now and I'm not just getting sick all the time for no reason. 



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