Lately I have been more scatter-brained than ever before. I used to forget to do something once and a while, but today I drove off to work with my keys and my phone... and no purse.
Chris has to call me to remind me to do things. And these are things that I used to remember to do no problem. Pick up milk on the way home? Sure! Now I'm lucky I remember to bring myself home.
But last week something happened that made me feel not as crazy as I had been feeling. My husband, Mr. Elephant-mind, the man that remembers everything, made a boo-boo. I know I probably shouldn't be skipping around feeling giddy about this, but I can't help it.
It all started Wednesday night, when my dear husband asked what bill needed to be paid on Thursday. I told him our car insurance and the next day I came home to my sweetie and he looks at me and says "So, I paid your house payment today."
I laughed and asked, "Don't you mean the car insurance?"
I've never seen him turn pale as fast as he did right then. He had paid the highest bill we have, one that we had already paid for the month.
I couldn't help it, I laughed and gave him a big hug. It's nice to know I'm not the only one with pregnancy brain!
Thankfully, the bank let us have our money back and we paid our car insurance, but since then I've been feeling a little better about my forgetfullness.