With only maybe a few weeks left to live, each moment has to be the most memorable, the most special. Each breath that you take has got to be cherished and remembered. This is something everyone could learn a little bit from.
Everyone could take a lesson from one of the bravest families I have ever met. Their son, a little boy who turns only 12 tomorrow, is losing his battle with leukemia. In just a week's time Adrian has lost so much of his energy.
But his amazing family is making sure he spends each breath cherishing his life. All Adrian wanted was a few cards from the community, just to brighten his day. So far he has received over 4,000 cards from all over the country, including a hand-written note from governor Granholm. His story has touched so many lives and so many people have done what they could to show him they're thinking about him.
In just two days time, an officer from the Detroit area organized a special event for Adrian, including a ride from his home on a fire truck to a helicopter waiting for him to take him up into the air.
A whole crowd showed up Saturday morning to support him. His family and friends walked along side him as he took each step toward the helicopter.
I'm never going to forget this family or little Adrian, and I'm not going to stop praying that a miracle happens for him. This young man has touched more lives than he will ever imagine.