>> Friday, May 29, 2009
I know it might be a little early for this, but I think I've already started to "nest." I'm seeing signs of it everywhere. It all began with my desperate need to clean the basement.
I think when I'm done with it, we'll be able to eat off the floor. I'm serious.
Now I have plans of pretty much rearranging our entire house. Chris isn't privy to most of these plans yet. I thought I would break it to him in small chunks so not to completely overwhelm him. I figured there wouldn't be a need to have him run screaming from the house anytime soon. Not just yet anyway.
Thankfully, he's being really supportive of my need to reorganize. I just have this feeling that if we don't do it now, it won't be happening anytime soon.
I'll keep you updated on the progess :) Also, I was suprised to see a yellow bearded iris along with the others on the side of the garage. These were all transplants from the yard. The former owners of the house had a few surprises here and there for us.