
>> Wednesday, May 27, 2009

This past weekend wasn't just garage sales and fun with family, I also took a trip into the basement and got to work. I really should have taken before pictures, but here is my progress so far. This is my side of the basement,  which I'm going to make kind of a cottage look once it's all finished. The island and microwave are going into Chris's "Man Cave" along with my mini fridge from school. He's pretty excited about that. So behind the chair there is quite a bit of room I'm going to make the play area for our little guy. 

I want to paint the walls and get some carpet down in this room. I think it's going to be nice and cozy with the fire place.

Spud has already claimed his spot on the couch. Of course the saw and the ladder won't be staying there too long. And eventually, I'd like to move the entertainment center down here. Our living room really is the size of a postage stamp, so this space down here is going to be glorious.

Now we're getting into the Man Cave. This whole pile is going into the garbage today, we're going to have more garbage than everyone on our road combined today!

So all those boxes are going, the old water heater is going this week and all the scrap on the floor. We still have a long way to go to make this basement liveable, but it's getting there! I washed down all the paneling over the weekend and vacuumed up a storm. Slowly but surely it's all coming together. 


Lisa May 27, 2009 at 2:06 PM  

sounds like you are making progress!

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