Under the Weather

>> Thursday, July 2, 2009

This week has been an interesting one, beginning with a fever of 100.5 on Monday. I haven't been sick since before I met Chris! I get the whole spring time allergy fun each year, but for me to get a fever and really be sick, it's something. 

So I made my first trip to my family doctor in well over three years. I had to fill out all new insurance information and introduce everyone in the office to my husband. (I love small towns) Thankfully, that only lasted a day or so and Spud took good care of me while I was curled up feeling like death.

Then on Wednesday I had the all-so-fun glucose test, where I had to swig a cup of sugary flat tasting orange pop on an empty stomach and then have blood drawn. yuck.

Thankyfully I've made it through everything and am looking forward to one more day of work and a sunshine filled fourth of July weekend! (I'm hoping anyway) I'm ready for the sun! 


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