Biggest little helper
>> Sunday, December 11, 2011
To keep our minds off of my Jeep's unfortunate transmission trouble, Alex and I decided to make some bread. This is my second attempt at homemade bread.
With my second attempt though, I had a little helper with me the whole way. His favorite part was kneading the dough... stirring was fun too, but we quickly discovered stirring with a two year-old and trying to keep most ingredients in the bowl is an interesting process.
I was pretty impressed how this attempt turned out. It was actually edible this time! I think it was the help I had in the kitchen this time around.
Frosty, is that you?
>> Friday, December 9, 2011
Alex and I transformed our fridge tonight into a snowman. Alex thought it was hilarious! I started to cut out the shapes as he wandered into the kitchen and our conversation went a little like this:
"Mommy, what are you doing in here?"
'I'm building a snowman, Alex."
What's fun about this is I put it all on magnets so we can move all the pieces around. Alex liked to move the snowman's buttons to the top and add to the smile, which turned out to look like he had blue boogies.
For the sake of Frosty's dignity, I fixed the blue boogies for the photo.
Cameras, lights...
>> Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Alex and I were playing with lighting and aperture tonight with our camera. I don't normally let my child play with objects that could potentially harm him, but I wanted to try out a few different effects with lighting.

Use the force, Spud
>> Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Sorry the quality of this photo isn't the greatest. I would have gotten up and grabbed the camera instead of using my phone but then I would have disturbed the force and I couldn't have caught my little bat eared doggie enjoying the comfort and coziness of our Christmas tree. I don't know what it is about a lit tree in your living room, but it just oozes good happy feelings. I love it.
Twinkle Twinkle
>> Monday, December 5, 2011
O' Christmas Tree

Dear Santa, I would like...
>> Friday, December 2, 2011
Dear Santa,
Material, material everywhere.
>> Thursday, December 1, 2011

Liz Owen's "My (not so) Storybook Life"
>> Friday, September 30, 2011
Four or five years ago (time really does fly doesn't it?) my mom sent me a link. She said she had found a blog that made her laugh, that had great decorating style and the blogger had a schnauzer.
My mom, in her infinite wisdom had stumbled across a blog that we both could enjoy and have followed almost daily. I don't think a week has gone by where one of us hasn't said "Have you read Mabel's blog?"
Mabel is actually the name of Liz Owen's schnauzer side kick, who has recently welcomed a sibling into the house. (Spud could definitely relate to that.)
Even after Alex was born, and time really sped up in short bursts of busy days, sleepless nights, feedings and changings, I would log on, at least once a week and catch up on what Mabel, Liz and Matt were up to.
Now, two years later, Liz has written and published her own book! I'm so excited and can not wait to read it!
To read an excerpt of the book, "My (not so) Storybook Life" by Elizabeth Owen, visit her blog at I'm sure, like my mom and I, you will get hooked too!
Read more...Turning a corner
>> Friday, August 26, 2011
These past couple of weeks our little muffin has really turned a corner in a little blond-headed blur. The baby I once held close and rocked at night, the very same one I cuddled and babied has grown up before our very eyes.
It's really kind of strange when you stop and realize that your baby isn't a baby anymore. It's kind of a relief and a little sad at the same time. At night I lay him down and he tells me night night and blows kisses. He tells me when he has to potty (usually .2 second before he actually goes) and comes up with the most interesting things to say.
He likes baseball and reading books. He loves to dance and sing and he loves his family. He can recognize a bunch of words like Alex, Mommy, Daddy, Papa, Doda and Jo. He has a huge heart and loves to learn.
Each day he is learning something new and so are we. I can't wait to find out more about this little person...
We love the zoo!
>> Monday, July 4, 2011
It's been almost a year since we've update our blog and we thought it was about time. Saturday we took off toward Royal Oak with lions and elephants on our minds and even though we didn't see either of those, we had a pretty darn good day.
Alex has been talking up a storm about animals. He absolutely LOVES elephants. If you ask him what an elephant says he will hold his nose to simulate his elephant trunk and make the elephant noise, and he can roar like a lion with the best of them. So, we decided to pack him up on one of the hottest days this weekend and head out.
He loved the zebras, the kangaroos, the rhinos but there was one thing he loved more than anything else.
The Meerkats.
Yep, that's right. He loved those cute little animals that sit on their hind legs straight up and dig their little tunnels. One in particular took a shining to our little man as well and hung out by the glass so they could stare at each other.
Sadly, there aren't any elephants at the zoo and the lions aren't there right now either, but that didn't matter, it was a fantastic day!