Turning a corner

>> Friday, August 26, 2011

Alex at the beach July 2010

Alex at the fair August 2011

These past couple of weeks our little muffin has really turned a corner in a little blond-headed blur. The baby I once held close and rocked at night, the very same one I cuddled and babied has grown up before our very eyes.

It's really kind of strange when you stop and realize that your baby isn't a baby anymore. It's kind of a relief and a little sad at the same time. At night I lay him down and he tells me night night and blows kisses. He tells me when he has to potty (usually .2 second before he actually goes) and comes up with the most interesting things to say.

He likes baseball and reading books. He loves to dance and sing and he loves his family. He can recognize a bunch of words like Alex, Mommy, Daddy, Papa, Doda and Jo. He has a huge heart and loves to learn.

Each day he is learning something new and so are we. I can't wait to find out more about this little person...


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