Girls night out

>> Tuesday, June 10, 2008

You know you're getting older when a friend asks if you want to play shuffleboard and you get excited. We played a few rounds with these lovely ladies last night and I realized how much fun pushing a "puck" around with a "cue" could be.
Shuffleboard leagues just started and as Chris headed out to play in his softball league, I gave him a big smile and told him I was going to try my hand at shuffleboard. My athletic fiance gave a little giggle, made a quick comment about my age, gave me a kiss on the forehead and headed out the door.
I think he really does appreciate my non-athletic abilities, my love for a fun game and a good conversation.
These ladies (and a few gentlemen) were a complete hoot. We had a fantastic time, and if they don't mind putting up with us again I would love to go back sometime.

One thing I would like to point out is the fact that there is a fence around the shuffleboard lanes. Is this in case shuffle boarders get out of hand?


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