
>> Wednesday, June 11, 2008

So here he is. The one and only, Spud. The man of the house, well... for a few more months anyway.
Before there was Spud, life was empty. I had matching socks, furniture without puppy teeth marks and shoes without holes.
I don't remember what life was like before I had to pick up kibble around my kitchen every morning.

I came by this little tater-tot when I bought my house. Everyone in my family thought it was time to join the group and own a dog. Chris and I scoured petfinder until this cute little face appeared on the screen with the name "Spud."
I laughed out loud and as I read the description found they were having a sale on the little guy during the week, but he was all the way across the state.
Luckily, all the way across the state meant five minutes away from my brother and sister-in-law. Those two declared the day "Spud day" and drove to the town over and picked up my pride and joy.
Nine months later, he's eating my shoes and running off with my socks, but I couldn't be happier. He's certainly a keeper.


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