A work in progress...

>> Monday, August 24, 2009

Here's the start of our little nursery... We still need to do some decorating, but we've got a lot put away and organized.

We still need curtains and some artwork on the walls, but it's getting there. Slowly but surely :-D More pictures to come!


Canning crazy!

>> Friday, August 14, 2009

Yesterday after work, Chris and I took a little drive down to his grandma's house to borrow a few of her canning jars. We've decided to hop on the canning bandwaggon and go canning crazy this fall. 

We want to can all sorts of things and pack it away for the winter. I'm really excited about it! My parent's neighbor Beverly gave us a canning book for our wedding last year and I've been thinking about it ever since. 

So we'll see how it goes! We've got the jars and now we just need some lids and rings and we'll be on our way. 


A room arrange and an upset husband

>> Tuesday, August 4, 2009

I found out yesterday when you're 33 weeks along and you get it in your system to completely move around your bedroom furniture you will not get a happy husband when he gets home.

After our stellar doctors appointment yesterday I came home floating on a cloud with dreams of fitting our pack and play in our bedroom. I want to get it all set up for whenever our little guy makes his appearance.

The only problem was we have a gigantic bed and a long room.

Chris was off playing softball so I thought, what the hay, I'll just nudge a few things around and if it looks terrible I'll just nudge them back and no one will have to know.

Three hours later I had the whole room rearranged, the dresser moved out into the kitchen to get moved downstairs and an upset husband walking through the door. By the way, the mirror is going to go, it's just so darn heavy I thought I'd really get in trouble if I moved that.

He couldn't stay mad at me too long though, I think the rearrangment works great for us. Now we just need to move in the tall skinny dresser and we won't be going to the kitchen for our socks.


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