Three little stockings

>> Monday, November 30, 2009

Yesterday I worked on decorating the house a little bit. Chris was out hunting and I brought some decorations up from the basement while Alex supervised.

There's something so magical about Christmas when there's a baby around. Even decorating gave a whole new meaning this year. I really loved hanging that third stocking on the fireplace! It's a time to bring out old traditions and to make new. 

I'm looking forward to going out and getting a real Christmas tree as a family, and handmade ornaments from Alex, and see his face light up on Christmas day. 

There's so many things to look forward to!


Thankful for family

>> Friday, November 27, 2009

I'm thankful to spend Thanksgiving with our family! It was fun having the boys together and we had a fantastic meal yesterday thanks to the always amazing chefs, Joan and Mike. After the dinner we all gathered around for a family photo. It's always fun getting everyone together for a picture.

First it starts off with getting everyone rounded up. Here we have the kids and their kids. I think I'm smelling Alex's head for some reason. I  guess I can't get enough of that new baby smell.

Then, once everyone is situated, Chris sets the camera on a timer and runs in place... This normally works, unless the camera isn't buckled down correctly. Then you get a nice shot of the floor.

After all the bugs are worked out, we get our great Thanksgiving family shot :-D I love you guys! Another wonderful Thanksgiving with the fam. A day of good food and great company!


Countown to Christmas decorating

>> Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The countown to Christmas decorating has begun! I'm slowly easing into decorating this year for Chris, who believes you don't think about Christmas until Thanksgiving is out of the way. Don't even think about putting lights up outside while it's warm, oh no. Although, I've got to admit, the house I saw the other day that could have landed an airplane with Santa in a hot air balloon on it's roof was a little much.

So here is my new project. I want to decorate the fireplace with something a little different this year. I've already put in place this very heavy, metal dohicky. (which I used for a while as a headboard) But this year, my plan is to attach a wreath to it and decorate the mantle with greenery.

I just have to find a new home for our wedding picture, but that will be a fun project too. I want to make a silhouettes of Chris, Alex and I and frame them to go near that picture. Anyway, I'm going a little off-track.

Here are a couple inspiration pictures that are a little over the top, but you can kind of get my idea.

So we'll see how it turns out, I'm hoping this weekend I can have a little fun with it all! Until then have a happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Watching eye lashes grow

>> Tuesday, November 24, 2009

There's nothing more fun than staring at your baby all day, just watching their eye lashes grow. 


Mother, oh Mother, 
come shake out your cloth, 
Empty the dustpan, 
poison the moth, 
hang out the washing 
and butter the bread, 
sew on a button and make up a bed. 
Where is the mother whose house 
is so shocking? 
She's up in the nursery, 
blissfully rocking. 
Oh, I've grown shiftless as Little 
Boy Blue (lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo). 
Dishes are waiting and bills are past due 
(pat-a-cake, darling, and peek, peekaboo). 
The shopping's not done 
and there's nothing for stew 
and out in the yard there's a hullabaloo 
but I'm playing Kanga and this is my Roo. 
Look! Aren't his eyes the most wonderful hue
(lullaby, rockaby, lullaby loo). 
The cleaning and scrubbing 
will wait till tomorrow, 
for Children grow up, 
as I've learned to my sorrow. 
So quiet down, cobwebs. 
Dust go to sleep. 
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep......

Tomorrow after work I'm watching the hair on his head. It should be a great day.


Helloo blog world!

>> Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Alex says good morning everyone! He sends his love from his boppy, in his stylish little whale sleeper. He was excited to go hang out with his grandparents! Somebody's got to keep them in line you know?


A day of firsts

>> Monday, November 2, 2009

Chris and I woke up Saturday morning excited to take Alex around for his first Halloween. We were going to make stops to our families houses and show off our little pumpkin. It wasn't until we tried to zip up our little pumpkin we realized how quickly babies really do grow.

Alex decided to get a growth spurt since we tried his costume on two weeks ago. 

We couldn't even get him zipped! He wasn't too happy. So we put him in his Halloween shirt given to us by our neighbors Brian and Ann and his pumpkin hat and socks given to us by my mom and dad and we had ourselves a Halloween baby!

Alex really enjoyed his day out!


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