Alex's award winning smile

>> Monday, October 11, 2010

Over the weekend, our county held it's annual pumpkin festival and we joined in the festivities. Saturday morning was the cutest baby contest! Just for fun we entered Alex and he walked away with cutest smile!

It's funny, because normally he doesn't smile on cue, but for the judges, he gave them his best!

I wasn't sure what we were getting ourselves into. I really thought they would just take a photo of Alex and we would go on our merry way. But no! You had to parade your baby in front of a judges panel! Well, you know me, I'm not much of anything in front of a bunch of people. I freeze up faster than you could believe.

But I didn't need to do anything but hold on to Alex, and he was giving the judges his best "cheeeese" smile, like we rehearsed it!

I'm very proud of our little pumpkin, and had such a great time!


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