poor sick baby :(

>> Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Last week, as we were getting ready for our first vacation as a family to head down to Tennesee and watch my cousin Jeff get married, a wrench was thrown into our vacation plans.

Our poor little baby, who turned 8 months last Tuesday caught his first cold. We had been doing so well, but as it's gotten nicer, we've gone out to more places and our little guy must have picked something up somewhere.

It's so hard to watch your baby get sick for the first time. You just want to squeeze him and wish there was some way you could take the cold for him. 

But babies do bounce back pretty good. It started last week and by yesterday he was looking so much better! Here is the same little guy, just a few days after his punched in the eyes look. He's still coughing and sneezing, but he's back to his same old tricks. I'm so relieved he's doing better.

Yesterday he tried to pull himself up with the coffee table. We call it chin-ups, since he's mostly trying to use his arms and hasn't quite gotten his legs under him.

I sure do love that little guy.

Now that he's feeling a little better, I'd like to share a few things we learned quickly about sick babies:

1. They do not like the boogie sucker. Not. At. All. If they could  talk, they would most likely tell you "No way are you going near me with that thing. How would you like it if I came at you with a contraption to unwillingly suck boogers out of your nose?"

2. If baby isn't sleeping, no one is sleeping. We did however take some nice scenic night drives over the weekend.

3. There is a difference between throw-up and spit-up. Its very gross, not going to lie.

4. As sick as they are you really don't mind and still love love love them.

5. Even though they're tiny people with colds, they are still contagious and you can get it. But thats ok :) See #4. *sniffle sniffle* *cough cough* 


On the move!

>> Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Alex started to "creep" last night! This was the first time he has ever been mobile by himself, it was pretty exciting. I think he started to get a little frustrated toward the end about going backwards, but it was pretty cute. 


Future pro bowler?

>> Monday, May 3, 2010

Alex bowled his first ball Saturday night, and I think we have a future pro bowler in the house. That's of course when he's not saving lives as a doctor and writing another bestselling novel. You've got to dream big you know?

Alex picked up a spare his first time up and almost got a strike the second time. We were very proud.

Just look at that concentration. It takes a lot of baby power to throw a ball that weighs almost as much as you. 


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